Essential Oils

Sweet Orange Essential Oil, 100% Pure For Aromatherapy, Soap, Bulk Wholesale, Body Butter, Candle, Diffuser, Hair Care. A


Sweet Orange Essential Oil, 100% Pure For Aromatherapy, Soap, Bulk Wholesale, Body Butter, Candle, Diffuser, Hair Care. A


Description: Sweet Orange Essential Oil : Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. The fruit has a sweet
pulp. It is believed that sweet orange was brought to Europe by the Arabs in the First century along with
the bitter orange.

Sweet Orange has an incredibly sweet smell. A middle note with a medium aroma, Orange Essential Oil has a sweet, citrus smells like the orange peels from which it is derived, but more intense and concentrated.

Volume : 10 ML - $ 9.50
Benefits and uses:

Its calming, fruity, and vibrant fragrance relieves nervous tension. Mix with lemon or lime essential oil for an exotic scent, or with clove essential oil for a more comforting ambiance.

A few drops added to a vegetable oil, such as sweet almond oil, will stimulate the lymphatic system and help remove toxins from your skin.
Sweet orange essential oil helps deodorize, so if you are looking to freshen up your closet or a room in your home, lightly spray with a mist of distilled water and sweet orange essential oil.

Blends With: : Lavender & Bergamot

Storage: It is recommended that oils packaged in dark glass containers to maintain freshness and attain maximum shelf life.

Cautions: Dilute before use; for external use only. May cause skin irritation in some individuals; a skin test is recommended prior to use. Contact with eyes should be avoided

Additional information

Weight .200 kg
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 12 cm


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